My Angels Space

Friday, September 3, 2010

Random Foolishness!

Good Day Dearies, It is a drizzly cloudy day here in the great state of Texas. Hope it clears up by 5pm because I have plans for the weekend! Anywhooooo, I want to share particular little crazy stories and these will be listed under a category titled "Random Foolishness". Being that I am a baby blogger categories and all the other little goodies that make a page look handsome are a little ways off sooooooooo, you'll just have to settle for "Random Foolishness" to be randomly tossed on the page. So without further a do.......
So I'm on the phone speaking with my cousin that I hang out with from time to time and she is informing me that she has recruited a mechanic. (Sidebar- we are both single women so when you see recruit it normally refers to the opposite sex and some task or purpose we have signed them up for- I digress). I ask her where she met afore mentioned mechanic. The answer.....wait for it.....wait for it....The Club! Strike one! If he approached you in the club he is interested in tuning up more than your car. They set up a time to meet up and talk about her car. Needless to say first couple of attempts at contact he is missing in action. He finally surfaces a few days later calling her back after business hours. Strike Two! If fixin cars is your side hustle would you not be tryin to call a sister back and get your money? I'm just sayin, we in a recession right now, act like it. So of course this business call that is taking place after business hours leads down a path that has NOT A THANG to do with the car. So cuz does the correct thing and cuts convo short and tells him she will give him a call back tomorrow. Tomorrow comes, she calls, and he actually answers his phone. However he says that he will need to call her back because his car is over heating and he gotta hurry up and pull over. STRIKE DAMN THREE! How D Hell you gonna be the mechanic and your stuff is over heating???? What The Crap?? That's like having a bald headed beautician. That's like having a cleaning lady with bad BO. It just doesn't make sense. So needless to say this recruit was deemed ineligible and won't be receiving a call back. Random Foolishness!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Sooo, Today I woke up at 5:20am. Now before I get stated let me make it VERY clear I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. With that being said I'm lying there trying to make my brain stop working long enough for me to go back to sleep. Didn't happen. After about and hour of waiting in vain for sleep to return I got up and got my day started. So as I sit at work (looking for another job) I realize I've been feeling real antsy lately. Ideas racing through my head, thoughts of job change, wanting to jump off my business (details to come on that dearies). So the best word I can find to describe this anticipation is........INSPIRED. Yes ladies and gents your girl is feeling inspired, and I must say it feels good. Inspired to do what you ask? Well I'll tell you. Inspired to live. Indeed I am doing that already but live to my fullest potential meaning do what I want to, not what I need to. Find what makes me happy and aggressively pursue it, clunk it over the head and drag it back to my cave to keep. Find fulfillment and give it a home. Find some good comfortable love and luxuriate in it for a lifetime. So to all who read this my wish for your today is to be inspired. Miracles and Blessing

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Begining

My blogging is starting where there lives ended. Sounds morbid huh? Well let me explain. I feel my life has been a wierd storybook. Filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, good times and bad. Mostly good. I can remember many times saying to friends "girl I should write a book, this foolishness needs to be published for the masses to see!". Or me and friends saying we should write a book to chronicle this mess. These things were always said with humor. Unfortunately what pushed me to go ahead and write was the miscarriage of my twins. It has been a pain, a hurt, a void that I haven't been able to solve. So I thought maybe typing up how I feel on differant days would help me to get it out. It is something I will never get over, I am just trying to get through it.